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6 posts tagged with "new-features"

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Consumer identifier

· 2 min read
Piotr Gankiewicz
Apache Iggy founder

In the latest update, the Iggy server as well as the clients for all the available transport protocols have been extended with the support for consumer identifier. Whether you poll the messages, store the consumer offsets, or create consumer groups, you can use the well-established identifier type, instead of just u32, which is now a common standard for the resources' identification such as streams, topics, users and consumers.

Users and permissions

· 7 min read
Piotr Gankiewicz
Apache Iggy founder

In the most recent update, the Iggy server as well as the clients for all the available transport protocols have been extended with the support for users and permissions. From now on, you can additionally secure your data using the authentication and authorization by specifying the granular set of permissions for each user.

Message expiry

· 4 min read
Piotr Gankiewicz
Apache Iggy founder

The message expiration is a server-side feature, allowing to automatically delete the old data (expired segment as a whole) depending on the provided configuration. By specifying the custom retention policy, the server can clean up no longer needed messages, which can help with the disk space management.

Message state

· 5 min read
Piotr Gankiewicz
Apache Iggy founder

The message state is a simple field which extends the existing message and provides a way to define whether the particular message might be consumed by the client or not, depending on its value. Let's briefly discuss the motivation behind this feature, the implementation details and the breaking changes introduced by this release.