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Updated schemas

· 2 min read
Piotr Gankiewicz
Apache Iggy founder

The latest update introduces the changes to the PollMessages and GetConsumerOffset commands response schema, as well as the Stream, Topic and Partition structs extended with created_at field.

Breaking changes

Breaking changes have been introduced with the commit #670a8ba. The available iggy crate supports these changes since version 0.0.60.


By default, the PollMessages used to return Vec<Message> as a response, which has been changed to PolledMessages struct, that contains the partition_id, current_offset and messages field. The reason for this change was to provide more information about the current offset, and the partition from which the messages have been fetched - this might be especially useful when using the consumer groups feature, where the partition is calculated on the server-side.

pub struct PolledMessages {
pub partition_id: u32,
pub current_offset: u64,
pub messages: Vec<Message>,


Partition ID (4 bytes) + Current offset (8 bytes) + Messages count (4 bytes) + Messages (N bytes)


Previously, the GetConsumerOffset command used to return u64 as a response, which has been changed to ConsumerOffsetInfo struct, that contains the partition_id, current_offset and stored_offset field. Similar to the PollMessages response update, the additional data might be helpful when using the consumer groups feature.

pub struct ConsumerOffsetInfo {
pub partition_id: u32,
pub current_offset: u64,
pub stored_offset: u64,


Partition ID (4 bytes) + Current offset (8 bytes) + Stored offset (8 bytes)

Stream, Topic, Partition

The Stream, Topic and Partition structs (along with the additional Details models when fetching the single object, not a list) have been extended with the created_at field, which contains the timestamp of the creation time (EPOCH in microseconds).

The created_at field which is u64 (8 bytes) is always serialized right after the id field, and then the remaining fields follow.